Monday, January 9, 2023



I received a beautiful new knife set from my sister-in-law and niece for Christmas. Lovely shades of purple, with matching cutting boards. While using one of them to chop onions for our chili supper the other evening, I cut my finger pretty badly. It's been a few days, but it is still incredibly painful. It's been a bit of a hassle between the tenderness and trying to keep the band-aids dry.

Today I thought "Well, Papaw tried to warn you!" You see, my granddad has always been the most superstitious person I know. I can remember so many oft-repeated warnings and cautions when I was a child.

Top of the list - don't accept a knife as a gift without paying something for it. Even a penny. This will keep you safe and keep you from cutting yourself with it. Maybe I should have listened!

Others that I recall include:

Don't walk under a ladder - it's bad luck.
And other things that cause bad luck:
    Opening an umbrella in the house
    Crossing the path of a black cat (or crossing the road after a black cat has crossed)
Never sing at the dinner table or you'll cry before bed.
If you play with fire, you will wet the bed.
Never gift anyone a wallet or purse without some money in it. 
If you spill salt, you must scoop it up and throw it over your left shoulder.

Are there any superstitions in your family? 

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